Richmond's Own (but unowned) Website

What did I do this week...not a whole lot. Just a normal week. Brought my laptop to government class for the first time - I think I stayed more alert in the class. I also got my music instrument locker! I played with pep band at a club hockey game, which was a lot of fun - lots of traditions and cheers and whatnot, but I felt a bit like an outsider since the majority of the kids are from marching band. I think I got a lot of homework done, so that's good.  And I went to a (somewhat long) MUN training session, and helped publicize with CUPB for the Donald Glover show next week, which should be fun. And we started CSS with the deb design class. 

  • day 15 of the #worldslongestmarathon - in class english essay...well...i know i didn't get a zero! =) snippets tomorrow - oh the joy!
  • day 16 of the #worldslongestmarathon - i did my snippet! i hope i owned =) and tonnes of spanish hw...
  • #worldslongestmarathon day 16. getting ready for quizzes. and math club IS NOT a nerd club!!
  • #worldslongestmarathon - woops, the last one should be day 17, not 16 =) falling asleep doing homework......
  • #worldslongestmarathon day 18 - same old, same old. called to the principal's office again! - thank goodness its for something good =)
  • i just realized - i missed #worldslongestmarathon day 19, 9/18/09 - uh...had a spanish test. OH and football game & last first performance!!
Ok, I had an essay on the Sound of Waves in english class - I think I got an 8 out of 9! It was interesting...though I don't remember what I wrote about! I do remember my snippet talking about lights and civilization and society and what not. I did pretty well on that too! Day 16, I don't remember particularly, but I do remember that AP Spanish had  A LOT of homework - a lot more than Spanish 1-3. Almost like Chinese homework here!  And I think Helen probably called math club a nerd club. But we're so much cooler than that! I remember getting called to Mr. Brunyer's office - I don't remember the dates, but once was for student of the month and one was for national merit. I remember Mr. Dawdy talking about himself getting called to the office and getting a juice box and a cookie - the quintessential American school boy! (that's what I said). Sadly, I got neither a juice box or cookie. Though I was delighted that the principal knew who I am! In a large school, it's easy to get lost in the mass of thousands, and I never thought I'd be as well known on campus as I was - especially by the administration. So that was pretty cool. And Friday was a football game! Fun times - good nights sitting with Lauren, Priscilla, and Annie. And sometimes with Anthony and James, or Lawrence and Jeremy's little brother who had...great chemistry with Lawrence. I miss football games! Though hockey over here isn't half bad...

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