Richmond's Own (but unowned) Website

Hmm, there’s not exactly a whole lot to write about today – I can see why I stopped blogging as often as every day – there’s not as much to write about when you’re not travelling around every day. Though to go off of that, life has certainly slowed down quite a bit – perhaps not as much when I’m interning again though.

My sleeping schedule is still off by a bit – last night I fell asleep at 1900 (7pm) and woke up at midnight. Then a couple hours of more sleep, to wake up at 3 in the morning for the landing of the space shuttle Atlantis! It was a pre-dawn landing, and the shuttle coming down in the darkness, illuminated by giant NASA lamps was a pretty spectacular sight – me along with 50,000 other people on NASA’s live stream, and I had a nice little Twitter conversation with Kurt about it. There’s a nice 5 minute soliloquy of Neil deGrasse Tyson (astrophysicist and host of PBS’s NOVA) about what NASA means to us as a country (and those 5 minutes go by really quickly!
On another note, I’ve forgotten just how hot it can be here in Southern California, and I’m missing the orange squash already!

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